garbage bins
May 22 2019 0

Sydney Rubbish Removal

Rubbish removal in Sydney continues to increase. On average, Australians produce two tonnes of household waste every year. Interestingly, waste output tends to fluctuate with the growth trends of the domestic economy. As domestic growth continues to steadily increase, despite some recent easing, so too does garbage output. Our current waste practices need to shift to offset the increasing output. Lessons can be frequently learned by analysing poor waste practices. We will explore some of the illegal rubbish removal practices in Sydney.

Dumping trash to avoid authorised collection methods is illegal. Examples include leaving garbage on footpaths, in nature whether that be a beach or park, or on the street kerb even when left next to collection bins. To avoid this, councils facilitate legal rubbish removal in Sydney as much as possible. Common materials dumped include building materials from construction sites, automobile parts, household appliances, furniture and medical waste.


Negative Externalities

Illegal disposal has a number of negative effects. Garbage once localised and left to fester and grow, attracts hazardous pests and nasty insects. Even recyclables or green environmental waste once rotting and decomposed, attracts these creatures. Furthermore, high levels of methane and other greenhouse gases are produced during this decomposition process.

Pests damage native environments resulting in major ecological imbalance. They can feed on crops and can also carry germs and viruses which infect livestock. Once transmitted, these infectious diseases can transmit to humans causing illness. Many major medical epidemics have resulted from animal to human transfer of infectious diseases. The swine-flu influenza starting in 2009, represents an example. This pandemic took a few years before global deaths and diagnosis dissipated.

When stagnant water collects in discarded goods, breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other waterborne viruses can populate. Because mosquitoes extract blood, they can transmit serious diseases. Discarded combustible materials like electronic equipment can cause forest fires destroying habitats.

When local rubbish surrounds any neighbourhood, property values are negatively affected. Garbage, with its unattractive appeal and bad smelling odour, always deters people.

Public rubbish removal in Sydney is funded from government taxation revenue. An increase in illegal dumping exacerbates use of taxpayer funds for rubbish removal in Sydney. These negative externalities are primarily combatted with surveillance and enforcement.

In addition to the obvious environmental pollution, when toxic litter infiltrates environments, harmful chemicals can leech into the soil. These same chemicals can also leak into drinking water and threaten the health of local residents. Over time, these influences have been known to cause health issues such as asthma, headaches, dizziness and nausea and move sever long-term conditions like kidney, liver and cardiovascular problems, even cancer. Rubbish removal in Sydney, aims to reduce large build-up of these left-over products.

The most common rubbish removal in Sydney is organised through local councils. Regular weekly pick ups are made, and to supplement the high seasonal waste throughout the year, council kerbside pick-ups are also conducted. These can be booked as needed. Governments also know that one of the most effective measures is correct education.


When illegal dumping is spotted, you can report it immediately, often through the local council website or by contacting the council directly. When reporting, try to provide as much information as possible and as many details as you can. Enforcement policies can also be exercised by issuing fines. As with any trash, first seek to recycle or donate items before tossing. Many charities welcome discarded materials and repurpose them. Always think before tossing!

Every once in a while, rubbish removal in Sydney may necessitate the need for skip bin hire. Companies usually indicate fill lines on skip bins to avoid over filling and for safety.

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